(Get $2000+ Early Sign-up Bonuses!)


Are you running out of hours but still want to keep growing your business beyond $100k/ year?

Good news: You can make a bunch of money without running yourself into the ground.

CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR is a 4-month small group experience designed for female coaches, course creators, and service providers who want to sustainably scale their revenues AND profits beyond $100k by upleveling their financial systems + strategies and owning their role as CEO.

Yes, I want to book a call!

Are you running out of hours but still want to keep growing your business beyond $100k/ year?

Good news: You can make a bunch of money without running yourself into the ground.

CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR is a 4-month small group experience designed for female coaches, course creators, and service providers who want to sustainably scale their revenues AND profits beyond $100k by upleveling their financial systems + strategies and owning their role as CEO.

“116% more revenue in one quarter than all of last year”

“I got to understand my numbers, not be scared of them, evaluate what I needed in terms of team, and what I needed to step into being the Cash Flow CEO of my business. I hired five new team members, and promoted two others. My enrollment numbers are up 18% and my revenue is up 198% over last year. In the last quarter alone, I made 116% more revenue than all of last year.”

~Beth Ellen, Online Academy Owner

Missed the new Fix Your 5 Business Blindspots To Pay Yourself More This Year Masterclass? Watch it for a limited time here:

It's time to take your business, and your life, to the next level.

You know you want more…

  • more than only relying on your bank balance to pay yourself or make important decisions on investments in yourself and the business, like team, ads, and coaching.
  • more than feeling stuck and overthinking instead of making bold clear decisions as the CEO.
  • more than working more hours to achieve your revenue goals when you already feel tapped out.
  • more than roller coaster income months where profit is a happy accident and you have little time for a personal life.
  • more than winging it month to month and hustling for cash infusions with no clear plan to achieve your big revenue goals or take home more profit.

I’m going to teach you my proven system -- and be there every step of the way for you to implement it for the next four months -- so you don’t have to be alone and confused any more.

So you can experience wins like these too…

As Katie implemented the Cash Flow CEO cash clarity system, her monthly revenue increased from $1,500 to $6000, then to $10,000, and finally to the current $26,000 in the last 3 years.

When Deb implemented the same system, her recurring membership revenue increased 218%. She also created an entirely new program that netted $25K in the next year, and another recurring revenue stream that brings in $2k+/month.

When Angie implemented this system, she was able to save her business from shutting down (even during the pandemic). Before the program she was praying she could pay her staff and wasn’t even taking home a salary. Within 6 months, she could pay herself over $5,000+ per month and was able to cover medical expenses for her special needs daughter.

You might be wondering what they have that you don’t.

Most entrepreneurs know how to bring in revenue, but don’t realize that the easiest way to uplevel in their business and scale (without the hustle!) is to manage the money their business is already making -- and then move forward confidently with a strategic plan.

Without a plan… they just keep doing more. They work more. They stress more. They spend more -- and not necessarily on the right things! Early on in business I was guilty of running the hamster wheel without much to show for it. In 2009, I made $155K but only netted $3K profit.

Besides not making enough to live on --and feeling frustrated and ashamed that I put in so much effort without the profit to show for it -- that kind of hustle just isn’t sustainable. 

The following year, I made a conscious decision to not buy into the B.S. of just “make more revenue” and I started to focus on profits. The result? I increased my revenue by $96K profit (on increased revenue now totalling $256K).

Now, I help female entrepreneurs like you take control of their cash flow and profits so they can enjoy the freedom they started their business for in the first place, pay themselves consistently, and step into their role as Cash Flow CEO. 

Because if you’re being really honest, you feel like no matter how much revenue you bring in, you can’t seem to get to the next level without more sacrifice (whether that is more time, more energy, or more money).

I don’t want that for you. And I know you don’t want that for you, either.

Don't worry, it's not your fault

Most business solutions out there don’t work for everyone because they’re not getting to the root of the problem.

Problems like…

  • Confusion and frustration about your numbers and taxes, leaving you feeling like you just aren’t good at it.
  • Overwhelm caused by how to continue to grow your revenue and profits without working more hours (let’s face it, you’re already pretty maxxed out).
  • Unworthiness and lack of confidence that keeps you from raising your rates.
  • Coaches and other service providers who swear by a certain method and tout big flashy numbers without telling you whether it’s revenue or profit (between you and me, it’s probably revenue, and they could be keeping very little).
  • Spending all your time and energy working to make more money, even when it ends up costing you more time and money...and more guilt that you’re not where you “should” be.

The real question is…

How long are you willing to let these problems stop you from achieving your real success? 

If you ignore your money problems, what could happen?

Will life get easier? Will your business grow? Will you be able to work less?

Or will you still be stuck a year -- or even in 5 years -- from now questioning if you’re cut out for entrepreneurship after all?

I know exactly how that feels. And I want you to hear me when I say... I’m with you!

I didn’t know this stuff when I started out either.

But I’ve spent the past three decades in finance learning the hard way, and now I’ve got a proven 5-part system.

A system that’s helped hundreds of clients.

I’ve packaged it all into a step-by-step program I’m now going to share with you...


Your proven, 5-step program to sustainably scale your revenue AND profits by upleveling your financial systems, strategies, and owning your role as CEO

If you want LESS stressing and guessing about your numbers every month and instead finally understand + manage your cash flow, raise your rates, make MORE profit, and pay yourself consistently with confidence, then you are ready to truly be the boss that you are as a Cash Flow CEO.

Our Cash Flow CEO Students are leveling up! 

Stopped Feeling Like A Fraud Barely Paying Herself And Started Earning Like A CEO (+ How She Made $9,000 in 1 Day!) - Donna, Website Designer

From Shiny Object Syndrome to Clarity & Focus - Sarah, Indoor Rowing Trainer

Highest Revenue Months to Date Despite Pandemic - Jaclyn, Financial Coach

From ZERO Clients To a Waitlist + New Course Launched! - Kristy, Consultant for Restaurants

218% Increase in Recurring Membership Revenue - Deb, Coach for Therapists

Made 116% More in This Quarter Than in All of 2019 - Beth Ellen, Online Academy Owner

Cash Flow CEO is a complete training + coaching program that hands over my step-by-step system to managing and planning the money in your business.  I’ve broken my Cash Flow CEO System into step-by-step trainings that cover the 5 essential stages to become a Cash Flow CEO, so you can make more, keep more, AND reinvest more so you enjoy the business growth you want.

CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR seeks experts and coaches on track for $100k+ revenue per year who meet specific criteria.

The fact is -- we are only accepting a maximum of 10 entrepreneurs for this group -- and (because of our guarantee below) we only work with those who are qualified and ready to show up, do the work, and focus to achieve the objectives of the program. 

Because of this, it’s imperative that every participant is truly ready for this level of growth -- to sustainably scale revenues and profits -- and has the attitude and drive to make the most of their time in our CFCEO Accelerator to get there!

It is truly exciting to support experts and coaches to create real financial systems, strategies and own their role as CEO, but we must make sure you are qualified (and ready) before we commit to working with you in this program. That’s why the application is so helpful to ensure the right fit for both of us.

Here’s what we are looking for, and how to know if CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR is right for you:

This IS for coaches, experts, & service providers who:

  • are already on track for $100k - $250k revenue and no longer want to let fear or their own mindset hold them back
  • are ready to grow to the next level and now need the guidance and confidence to take them to multi-six or seven figures
  • are ambitious and growing fast but now need to backfill in the financial infrastructure and team to support continued growth
  • are tired of undervaluing themselves with discounts, undercharging, scope creep, or losing boundaries and are ready to stand in the incredible value of their expertise
  • want a real financial strategy (complete with projections and a plan for each revenue stream and each expense) to intentionally grow with more ease and profits -- and less hustle
  • want to better understand and manage their cash flow so they can pay themselves, invest with certainty, and feel like a confident CEO who knows her numbers

This is NOT for

people who:

  • don’t want to take responsibility for their own success and would rather blame others or complain about why they don’t have the business growth they want.
  • prefer to stay stuck and plateau than take intentional action
  • aren’t willing to consider raising their rates so they can be adequately compensated for all their efforts, because they would rather stay comfortable underearning and struggling
  • are set in “I know that” and not open to new creative ideas. (Hint: If you know 80% on how to do something, the 20% clarity you are missing could be reducing your results by 80%!)
  • aren’t coachable and ready to implement. Just one idea from me could literally be a new revenue stream that makes you $500k+ #truestory.
  • are still trying to make their first few sales or haven’t figure out exactly what they want to sell or who they are selling to

Here’s what some of our Cash Flow CEO students had to say about joining the program, working with us and their progress…

How the program works:

The format of CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR is what makes it truly unique and helps you achieve results that were previously not possible. When we speak, I’ll explain the entire format and structure in detail.

For now, what’s most important to know is that we use a blend of…

  • CASH CLARITY TRAININGS: Each week, you’ll have access to the next lesson in the CFCEO step-by-step Cash Clarity framework.
  • LIVE COACHING AND Q&A: Each week, you’ll receive exclusive direct access to me through live weekly group coaching sessions, where you can ask questions, share your wins, and have a safe space to get the support you need to implement and step into your new Cash Flow CEO role. Midway through the experience, you’ll also receive a 1x1 confidential Business Strategy call to make sure you are on track and getting all of the personal attention and feedback you need.
  • Private CFCEO Accelerator High Vibe Facebook COMMUNITY: You will be surrounded by other ambitious and big hearted $100k female experts and coaches just like you -- with similar goals to yours. Inside of this group, you’ll be able to help track one another’s progress, support each other through challenges and wins, and keep your drive high! Because we are so selective about who is allowed into the program, rest assured this is a highly curated community -- so get excited to meet everyone, including your future business besties! 

In this program, you’ll:

  • Break down any limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, over-thinking, under-charging, under-profiting, and working harder than you need to so you truly step in as the CEO of *your* business
  • Create real money management systems so you pay yourself better, hire a bookkeeper (or work better with the one you have), and lead your business not just knowing your numbers but understanding how to make better decisions from them as you make your money work harder for you
  • Strategically project your revenue & profits and feel a whole new level of security and safety with your money instead of riding the roller coaster of “success” based on what is in your bank account day to day
  • Build the right support team for where you are now in your business -- and where you want to be.

Here’s what you can expect during the program:

Week by week, you’ll gain a whole new level of clarity on how to more intentionally grow and scale your business -- finally with the right financial systems and strategies to support you. Specifically, you will get trainings each week to progress through these 5 modules by program completion:

Business Foundations: Build on Solid Ground

You’ll release what’s been holding you back from diving into your numbers -- and connect with the power on the other side of the resistance.

You’ll understand the secrets to time and energy management so you trade in the overwhelm and busy-ness for a more peaceful, joyful business where you do less and make more because you’ve learned how to be confidently in control as the CEO.

CEO Mindset: Lead Effectively

We all have stories around money — and if you’re like most entrepreneurs, these stories are preventing you from owning your value. We’ll bust through the stories that are keeping you playing small in your business, and nail down how to understand YOUR unique value and unapologetically charge what your services and products are worth.

You’ll know how to change the internal stories and fears that are keeping you broke so you can trust yourself with money and stop linking “time” and “effort” to “value” and “income.” It’s your time to step up to your value and OWN it!

Money System: Control Your Cash Flow

Learn how to get out of “bank balance” decision-making (AKA determining if you can afford something for your business based on what your bank account tells you) and instead allocate your money so you’re not scrambling for taxes, investments, to pay off debt, or pay yourself!

YES you deserve to pay yourself a respectable regular salary -- and we will set up your money system to make that happen.

Profit Plan: Scale Your Business

Managing your business money — and paying yourself consistently — becomes a lot easier when you have a real strategy, so you can be intentional about your revenue and effectively project what’s coming in and going out. I’m handing over my easy-to-follow Profit Plan To Scale template to help you create a real revenue plan for the entire year so you can minimize surprises, plan for slower months, and build in more ongoing income.

You’ll create a clear vision and then set the right revenue goals with the right offers at the right rates so we can design your business around your desired life. Yes you get a life AND a business!

Support System: Others Support Your Vision

We’ve all asked the ultimate question that keeps entrepreneurs up at night: “Can I afford the support I want?” We’ll work through how to answer this question based on information you have available to you right now (and what to do if you can’t).

Learn how to get the support you need while you prioritize your money, your team, and growth. You’ll discover if you need to hire contractors or employees (including which is right for you now and why) and the 6 best practices in hiring and growing a team.

In addition to the core framework, we’ve included these $10,000 of AMAZING Bonuses:


4 months (16 weeks) Live Q&A and Coaching Sessions

Where we’ll go over the highlights of the Cash Flow CEO system, ask questions, share your wins, and have a safe space to get the support you need.


The Irresistible Offer Lab

How To Create The Right Scalable Offers So You Go From Crickets to “Take My Money Now!” - Your revenue and profit plans are only as good as the offers you’re selling. And although you’re an expert in your field, you likely never learned how to create a grand-slam, “take my money now” offer. This training will help change that, so that your offers are dialed in, selling well, and optimized.


1x1 Business Strategy session Direct With Belinda

To eliminate any bottlenecks in your mindset, offers, or profit plans so you can simplify, clarify and skyrocket your revenues and profits with a customized plan.


Weekly Accountability and Mindset Coaching

(Implementation is Priceless!) - ​​Worried that you won’t stick with this valuable program and just create more shelf-help this year? We’ve got you, and we leave no business owner behind! We’ve included weekly confidential 1×1 accountability support from our coaches. They are masters at accountability. Adept at helping you create action steps and reframe your mindset to find the opportunity in any situation, so that you’re always moving forward and more profitable than ever!


Members-Only Cash Flow CEO Facebook Community

You’ll be surrounded by passionate women who are dedicated to owning their power, doing what it takes to feel in control of their business money just like you, and stepping into the Cash Flow CEO role. This is your chance to connect, network, and have a trusted group to cheer you on in this journey!


Done-for-you spreadsheets, dashboard, and resources

To make keeping track of your business money a breeze. All you have to do is “plug in” your numbers!

AND $3,300+ must-have 6-figure business owner BONUS RESOURCES, including:

  • Bookkeeping Toolkit - Trying to figure out your bookkeeping on your own can be a total hassle. But it doesn’t have to be! I’ve brought together top bookkeeping professionals to answer your toughest questions, give you the templates you need to make everything so. much. easier, and give you all the tools you need to hire (or fire) the right bookkeeper for you.
  • Build Your Business Dream Team On A Budget Bundle - ​​You know that you want to grow and scale, but how do you create the right dream team of experts to guide you on these essential and potentially complex business areas… on a budget? What if in a few hours you could save yourself years of headaches -- and give you your time back by not wearing all. the. hats in your business? Learn from a team of marketing, sales, leadership, and legal experts how you can build the foundation of your thriving business. 
  • Leverage Financing to Grow Your Business - Get the step-by-step program to know your options for using financing to manage, grow and scale your business. With helpful checklists, guides, and thorough video tutorials, you’ll have all the answers you need to confidently and courageously move forward understanding your options.
  • Personal Money Kickstart: Your Quick And Dirty Answer To How Much Money Do I Need To Take Home - It can feel like no matter how much money you take out of your business, it’s never enough to live the life you want (or even make ends meet some months!) You’ll go from never enough to always enough and finally understand your personal money so you know exactly how much to take home and how you’re spending it!

The key to real financial success and profitability isn't in working harder, manifesting better, or even in more revenue. It's in creating real Cash Clarity where your emotions, tactics, strategy, and support system all align with how you want to do business.

Money doesn’t have to feel like a burden (or a guessing game!). Money can be the exact TOOL that helps fund your dream business, the dream lifestyle you want, and support the change you want to see in the world. The clarity you get from the Cash Flow CEO system will show you how.

“I’m finally valuing what I’m worth”

"I think the biggest shift for me is finally valuing what I'm worth, and that I have a lot to offer. I have a lot of knowledge and connections, and it really is up to me to remove myself from certain positions that I have kept myself in, thinking that that was the only way to make a positive difference in this crazy world."

-Amy Mosher-Berry, CEO

“My business is now planned…
without the stress.”

"It's planned now. It's not a guess. It took all the stress out of it. I can look ahead and I can say, ‘How are my months going to fall? Where can I make the best use of my time to make the most money?’ I'm not worried about the rest of it."

~ Kathryn Henderson, CEO


We are 100% committed to helping you create the financial systems and strategies you need to scale beyond  $100k.

That said, you might still have hesitations about whether what you’re reading on this page is truly possible for you and if CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR is the best choice to get you there. Here’s the deal: CFCEO is an elite option and the investment reflects that. That might make you question if it’s really “worth it,” and I get that.

So in case you are still hesitating to apply, here’s a guarantee that you can bank on:

I’m confident that if you work this system, the system will work for you – just like it’s worked for so many others. If you participate in all of the calls, implement everything you commit to as guided by me and get zero results, then I guarantee a FULL return on your investment and will work with you for FREE until you do. Simple as that. You implement everything you commit to with my guidance and we guarantee you’ll make *at least* your investment back. Or I will personally work with you until you do. 

If you’re truly ready to sustainably scale your revenue AND profits, and willing to do the work to get there with the guidance and support of THE CASH FLOW CEO ACCELERATOR, there is absolutely no reason NOT to apply today.

You deserve to earn more from your business.

You deserve to feel secure and safe with the intentional growth..

You deserve to spend time with your family AND grow your vision.

But it’s not going to happen if you continue to turn a blind eye to how money works in your business. It’s not going to happen if you continue to work longer and harder, only to feel more stressed, tired, and ready to give up. 

You’re tired of wasting time, money, and energy on methods that give you ZERO results.

You’re ready for REAL support. REAL community. REAL results. 

Becoming a Cash Flow CEO is about truly stepping into your role as the owner of your business. It’s about knowing how to properly manage your money so you can finally get the balance you crave — so you can finally make the right decisions about how to grow your business without sacrificing your pay, free-time, or sanity. 

I have all the faith in the world in you. I know you can do it, because I’ve done, and so have the Cash Flow CEO alumni who have come before you. 

And now? Now it’s your turn.

Imagine this scene… just 4 short months from now…

  • Your money is completely organized and you know what’s coming in and what’s going out every week.
  • You’re no longer making business decisions based on how much money you have in your bank account.
  • You pay yourself a consistent amount because even in the uncertainty of business month to month, you have planned profits and predictable income.
  • You are confident and unapologetic about what you charge. You are proud to impact the world in a way that only you can with your unique brilliance.

It feels amazing to finally take a breath and slow down -- you are finally out of the constant search for more clients and more sales. Because you know more revenue does not solve money problems.

Sounds dreamy, right?

It’s not a dream... This is what we achieve with Cash Flow CEO.

Here’s the thing…

Results don’t happen by accident. 

They happen because you have followed a system and process, taken the steps, done the work, and received the help necessary to get where you want to go. Period.

If you’re ready to feel that confident with your business money and step into your role of Cash Flow CEO, let’s do this.

Big Facts: We are 100% committed to our clients inside of Cash Flow CEO Accelerator. 

And we’ve already helped hundreds of experts and coaches create sustainable revenue and profits over the past 3 years of teaching our Cash Flow CEO methodology. So we already know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to join us.

But we understand that you’re not behind the scenes seeing the wins that we’re seeing every day. So why don’t we bring you behind the scenes?

You don’t just have to listen to me go on about how incredible the program is. 

Instead, you can hear directly from experts and coaches just like you who’ve experienced these results first hand.

In Cash Flow CEO Accelerator, you’ll finally feel on track to sustainably, intentionally and profitably grow and scale your business. 

Unlike other online-based coaching programs, CFCEO does not just give you some pre-recorded trainings and wish you luck to get through it on your own.

This new Cash Flow CEO Accelerator is different in its focus on teaching, implementation, and accountability for the $100k expert or coach ready to scale.

As a member of CFCEO, you will not only be guided step-by-step through the content, but you will be fully supported and held accountable to reach your goals and put your learning into action.

The best part is how absolutely do-able this will be, once you have the right framework and support in your corner.

Our Cash Flow CEO students shift their mindsets, go bigger, and get results!

Sold 4x Her Summit Upgrade Packages

Susan, Shamanic Healer

From $1,500 to $6,000 Per Month (to $10,000+ now!)

Katie, Bookkeeper

From Afraid To Look at Number To a Profitable Planned Business

Jess, Creative Business Coach

No Longer Functioning as an Employee but as the Owner
Karen, Artist + Business Owner

Remember, nothing changes unless you take action!

The way I see it, you have two choices: 

You can continue to feel confused about what is really going on with the revenue and profits in your business -- and make decisions that are costing you not just money, but impact, time and happiness as well… 

… or, today can be the day that you raise your hand and say you’re ready to step into the role your business needs you to fulfill.

Everything can change starting today.

You have the opportunity to finally get off the money hamster wheel and instead feel confident about managing the money in your business so you can take home more while still continuing to grow. Cash Flow CEO is a proven system — one that’s gotten REAL results for women just like you.

Leading you to success in Cash Flow CEO is my full-time job and biggest priority every single day. Nothing excites me more than seeing my students succeed, and I’m fully dedicated to that.

Don’t spend another moment stalking my content and re-reading this page. If you know this is for you, trust yourself enough to take this step. Because your next level business is waiting for its CEO to claim her rightful spot.

So tell me, are you ready to?

  • Never have to worry about what to do during a “low month” in business again?
  • Increase your salary (or start giving yourself one!) so you can start living the life you dreamed of when you started your business?
  • Stop being afraid to invest in your business growth?
  • Stop feeling like you have to work more and more just to create the impact — and income — you want to create?
  • Take the steps you need to manage and plan your money, so you can finally, finally have the business you’ve dreamed of?

Yes, you know you’re ready!

And I know you’re ready, too.

I can’t wait to guide you through this journey and watch you step into your role as Cash Flow CEO.
I believe in you so much.

Book A Call Today

Have a question?

Book a "Right Fit" call with Belinda now or contact the team with the purple Chat/Support pop-up on the right corner of this page or by emailing use at

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